Wie bereits in den letzten Teilen gibt es Schatztruhen, die Ressourcen, Artefakte und einen Fähigkeitenpunkt bringen. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider sind in der gesamten Spielwelt sogenannte Monolithen versteckt. Deal with the Pillagers. Tomb Raider | Shadow of the Tomb Raider . To solve that problem, move up the angled stones to the right of the lever, scramble up the square column, and grab the handhold above. These are not counted in the total on the in-game map. Bottom Feeder. We find Kuwaq Yaku and have a beer. All Challenge Tomb Guide List. Complete Tomb to Earn Loot & Skills. Detailed strategy guide for Shadow of the Tomb Raider on Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Last Updated: 2018/9/25 22:31. The mission giver for this level's Side Mission will then be revealed on your map. > Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Prüfung des Adlers und der Spinne. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Related Article Story / Mission Walkthrough Within the lake of Kuwaq Yaku, simply collect 5 aquatic plants. Sep 19, 2018 @ 2:04am How to find the eagle in kuwaq yaku? Howling Caves - Kuwaq Yaku Challenge Tomb Walkthrough. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Prüfung des Adlers und der Spinne. Tweet; Share; Related Featured Articles. Tomb is Optional Mini Dungeons. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Walkthrough: Eye of the Serpent . Shadow of the Tomb Raider wartet wieder mit einer Fülle an Sammelobjekten auf. In The Shadow of the Tomb Raider, certain areas have hidden Tombs where Lara may tackle deadly traps and puzzles. I talked to someone who told me about eagles and condors or something and it revealed a marker at the temple you enter during the story, but my … Shadow of the Tomb Raider (PS4) Sampai juga di Kuwaq Yaku. CRYPT ENTRANCE: The entrance to the first crypt is located on the bank of the stream that runs along the west side of the village. Kuwaq Yaku – First Crypt (part 2) After looting the sarcophagus, in order to get back to the main area, start by jumping across the gap and returning to the edge of the large pit, Grapple-swing across to the left section of the climbable wall on the far side of the pit. Shadow of the Tomb Raider > Kuwaq Yaku | 100% If you like the straight forward guides and like to see more in the future, please show support by WHITELISTING CAMZILLASMOM.COM in your ADBLOCK . Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Alle Überlebensverstecke in der Übersicht. Nam Deus; Crude Awakenings; Bottom Feeder Detailed walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. Swim down and into the tunnel to the southeast. Kuwaq Yaku – Flooded Ruins with Piranhas. Kuwaq Yaku – Howling Caves Challenge Tomb (part 4) A third pendulum is embedded in the third set of shutters, preventing them from opening and closing. This map illustrates the same route shown in the screenshots below. Tree Of Life -Mission Of San Juan Challenge Tomb Walkthrough. 16. This walkthrough will guide you through the whole Path to the Hidden City mission. Lara ist nun endlich bereit Kuwaq Yaku hinter sich zu lassen. Detailed walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. Path to the Hidden City is the tenth Story Mission in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. September 2018 von Jean Pierre B. Ort: Kuwaq-Yaku Mission: Weg zur Verborgenen Stadt Ziele: Die Prüfung der Spinne abschließen & Prüfung des Adlers. Destroy 5 Sacrilegious Jungle Totems. We start this episode straight into the action, taking down some Trinity ass holes. This 2018 Walkthrough series will include the full game story campaign. Shadow of the Tomb Raider-Komplettlösung: Der Weg durch die (Unterwasser-)Ruinen, durch den Hangar und zurück zu Kuwaq Yaku. #game #tombraider #laracroft #gameplay Wir begrüßen euch zu unserer Komplettlösung des neuesten Abenteuers von Lara Croft, Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Detailed walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. von Sebastian Weber am 16.09.2018, 11:14 Uhr Well, you came to the right mission! Howling Caves - Kuwaq Yaku Challenge Tomb Walkthrough. After examining the stele and unlocking the new skill, dive off the wooden platform into the pool below. Lara Croft muss Überleben und das geht besonders gut mit der entsprechenden Ausrüstung. Euer Abenteuer beginnt mit einer typischen Einleitung, in der euch nach und nach alle Steuerungsmechanismen erklärt werden. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Herausforderung "Bodenfresser" (Kuwaq Yaku) gelöst Herausforderung: „Spritzöl“ (5 Ölfässer sprengen) Sucht im nördlichen Teil von Kuwaq Yaku nach roten Fässern. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Game Details. Wo die liegen, erfahrt ihr bei uns. Nam Deus. Chapter 3: Kuwaq Yaku. Camps: 6 (Kuwaq Yaku, Jungle Cliffs, Docks, Hunting Grounds, Kuwaq Yaku Ruins, Petroleum Deposit*, Temple of Life*, Airfield Dirt Road*) *The 6th camp is found in the Challenge Tomb, the 7th and 8th appear later after you finish the level so you can revisit certain areas. This section will be updated as new information becomes available. von Jonas Gössling am 20.09.2018, 15:00 Uhr JumperOriginal. Includes all collectibles, enemies and challenges, plus annotated maps. Ressourcen findet ihr genug, besonders viele gibt es aber in Überlebensverstecken. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Monolithen: So findet und entschlüsselt ihr sie alle. Hey Friends! Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Alle Überlebensverstecke in Kuwaq Yaku Shadow of the Tomb Raider-Komplettlösung: Jedes Versteck in der peruanischen Kleinstadt. This will be the first location in a city. There are also survival caches, from which you can obtain resources that will be useful for upgrading weapons. Shadow of the Tomb Raider takes place about one year after the events in Rise of the Tomb Raider. The first one is called Deal with the Pillagers?? We fend ourselves against puzzles and some angry wolves. To complete Kuwaq Yaku, there are 5 Base Camps, 1 Tomb, 1 Mission, 3 Challenges, 2 Treasure Chests, 2 Crypts, 4 Relics, 18 Documents, 10 Murals 14 Survival Caches and 3 Monuments. Region: Kuwaq Yaku Quest Giver: automatic Requirement: having finished Path of the Dead Trophy: The Hidden City Do you like traversal? Reward: Weapon -River Hawk. We have described the exact location of each of … Shadow of the Tomb Raider Komplettlösung: Prolog. KUWAQ YAKU – First Crypt (Wayta, the Tyrant) Updated: 9/29/18. Detailed walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Shadow of the Tomb Raider > General Discussions > Topic Details. Shadow of the Tomb Raider > Kuwaq Yaku | 100% If you like the straight forward guides and like to see more in the future, please show support by WHITELISTING CAMZILLASMOM.COM in your ADBLOCK . How to unlock: Talk to a man in the city centre, in the location of Kuwaq Yaku. In the Kuwaq Yaku, the second location in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, you will find 3 challenges. Thanks for … They are not complicated, but finding them is more difficult. Some of them are located in tombs and crypts. Can be used for extra clarification of certain steps if required. Shadow of the Tomb Raider. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider gibt es einige Rätsel die ihr lösen müsst. Kuwaq Yaku – Side Mission: Invasive Species (part 1) If you talk to the man sitting on the box just west of the Kuwaq Yaku Base Camp, he'll tell you about a shady character named Omar. … … Wir verraten euch, wie ihr sie findet, entschlüsselt und wo sich die Schätze befinden, die es als Belohnung gibt. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, you will get to a location Kuwaq Yaku. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Auf dieser Seite findet ihr alles, was ihr braucht, um das Abenteuer mit 100% Nebenmissionen, Sammelstücken, Trophäen und all den Rätsellösungen abzuschließen. Completing challenge tombs will reward Lara with additional loots and unlocks additional skills. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, you'll find 10 murals in Kuwaq Yaku. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Walkthrough & Guides. The video provides a walkthrough for the whole Chapter, mirroring the routes in the walkthrough. Today we work our way through he challenge tomb of Kuwaq Yaku. SPOILERS BELOW Location: Kuwaq Yaku, Peru Lara and Jonah find the village Kuwaq Yaku … You'll find them hanging in the trees as well as in some caves. All … In Shadow of the Tomb Raider you'll find not only main missions, tombs and crypts, but also numerous side missions. This is due to the fact that each challenge has its own, separate area. In diesem Guide erklären wir euch wie Lara die Brücke reparieren kann, auf dem Weg nach Kuwaq Yaku.. Im Verlauf der Aufgabe „Kuwaq Yaku finden“ werdet ihr auf eine Brücke stoßen welche ihr erst aktivieren müsst, bevor ihr sie überqueren könnt. Die meisten davon findet ihr automatisch, im Verlauf der Geschichte. It includes minor spoilers about NPCs, Lara's gear and abilities, game mechanics and collectibles, etc., but never any major, story-related spoilers.. You will find side quests, documents, relics, and chests. Was lange wärt, wird endlich gut.
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