How much do you think is the bite force of a bull hippo? Salties can take on animals as big as water buffaloes, but hippos are twice as heavy, and twice agressive. Gaara and Crocodile began their adventures as villains of the Naruto and One Piece universes respectively. Depends on which one gets the first strike. The largest of the species is the saltwater crocodile with its largest member recorded to weigh 2000 pounds (907kg) and reach a length of 20.24 feet (6.17meters). Hippopotamus, one of the few mammals a crocodile actually fears in adulthood. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Hippos are the third largest land animal.,, i don't think so , a Sarcosuchus or a Deinosuchus can literally tear any Hippopotamus into pieces if they want to. The Hippo doesn't like anyone disturbing him while he is enjoying his mud. 3:37. I'm pretty sure a bull would kill a saltwater crocodile. There was a show on Animal Planet that addressed this. 1 decade ago. African Rhinoceroses’ bulky weight can range between 2200-7700 pounds (1000-3500kg). SHARK V crocodile: Video has captured the moment two of the deadliest marine predators on the planet had a battle in a popular tourist spot in Australia. Saltwater crocodile have more stamina under water and faster in comparison to Nile crocodile. Tough call, but I would ultimately say hippo. They have crocs in the same waters where they say that, big ones. “Bring. Report. Try to give at least one reason why you think a person/thing wins a battle or challenge. Saltwater crocodile vs walrus Walrus are twice the weight of a SWC. Thus when it decided to attack a Croc, it would kill it quickly. They'll attack buffalo, even amputate elephant trunks, and probably even kept giant theropods at bay, but a hippo is the perfect anti-croc machine. Okay, so Hyenas and snares are just as, if not more than, likely. Crocodiles, on the other hand, are the largest present-day reptiles. On. Answer Save. We often get asked on the show if crocodiles and hippos ever fight as they both live in the same watery habitat. Biggest captured saltwater crocodile against fully grown male hippo. i know , but on land Crocodile might lose to Hippo , but in the swamp , a Saltwater Crocodile would likely Annihilated a fullgrown/bull Hippopotamus, not if that was 7 meters and 2 tons Saltie. pantanal jaguar vs siberian tiger. Komodo dragons vs crocodile. Their are now crocodiles on … They use thermoregulation to maintain body temperatures by occasionally basking in the sun to heat up and cooling themselves in water. 5 years ago | 19 views. The hippo can open its mouth to 150 degrees, and has a great bite force. Brian H. Lv 4. Also, Sarcosuchus is technically not a true crocodile, but a crocodyliform, and more related to the Gharial. Crocodile is a predator, but hippos are nasty. Log in. While the hippo would put up more of a fight than a bull, I don't think it has what it takes to survive. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. It. Browse more videos. Sarco still tear apart a bull Hippo with it's bite force tho , it's doesn't need a death roll to kill a hippo. A male hippo can weigh up to 3,300–4,000 pounds, females up to 3,300 pounds. That's how Homer Simpson tries to reassure Bart and Lisa during their safari to Africa, way back in the wilds of season 12. If you did give a reason, reply to this comment and I will either reapprove your comment or explain why it is not sufficient. That’s twice the weight of a SWC. Normally a Hippo is untouchable by a regular-sized Crocodile, but a 7m individual looks to be just 1-2 deathrolls away from ripping a Hippo's throat out. Shark vs. Croc. I'm gonna give this one to the monster croc. " Size. ANIMAL WORLD. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. So, while a deinosuchus no doubt would tear a hippo apart, today, the hippopotamus still outclasses the crocodile. Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! Crocodiles v hippos: stunning pictures show battle of the beasts . Game over. Candy. A series of aerial photographs show the dramatic moment a group of crocodiles and herd of hippos … Wild Animal Fight - Saltwater Crocodile. If you'd like to elaborate on your original comment to improve it, reply to this comment with your edited version and I will determine if the new comment is acceptable. Saltwater Crocodile vs Hippo? 0 1. The croc will be weightless, thrashing, and easy to drown. I'd say: If it's on land, the hippo wins, if it's in water, it's 60 40 to the hippo and if the crocodile manages to sneak up unseen (which is very unlikely) it would have a high chance of killing it. Saltwater crocodiles regularly eat cattle almost the size of hippos. A hippo could easily crush a crocodile with their large canine teeth. The different thing about Hippos is their unusual look, they seem like gentle but they are very unpredictable animals and considered as dangerous. I hope it wasnt you complaing about me creating the Dire Wolf v Amur Tiger matchup because of the size difference. What if the hippo was also an absolute unit? A normal hippo can weigh 4000 lbs. Said the hippo, probably. Lv 5. A lone bull Hippopotamus is spending his time peacefully and from nowhere, a large 20 ft saltwater crocodile emerges. 6 years ago | 1.7K views. Why she let them near to him is taking selfie was so much important than her life? The most rotund is the saltwater crocodile, whose largest member ever found was 20.24 feet (6.17m) long and 2000 pounds (907kg) heavy. Yet, crocodiles are not the most dangerous animals in Africa; That title goes to the hippopotamus. The saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) is a crocodilian native to saltwater habitats and brackish wetlands from India's east coast across Southeast Asia and the Sundaic region to northern Australia and Micronesia.It has been listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List since 1996. Watch fullscreen. After all Hippos killed more humans in Africa than Nile crocodiles and African lions. Tensions building up between the 2 animals. Crocodile Has Eaten A Young Girl. Source(s): Average adult male hippo is ~3300 lbs. Land, air, or sea. It depends. To learn more about the specific parameters of this automated bot, please read this post. nah, this is a Saltwater Croc , not some wimpy Nile Croc in Africa , Saltwater might win this, The hippopotamus has very powerful jaws and a bull hippopotamus? Funnyfunks. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. (Sarcosuchus probably couldn't death roll). We use cookies to enhance your experience, analyze site traffic, and for our marketing purposes. Nile Crocodile vs Saltwater Crocodile: Both creatures have similar physical features, and they also hunt for the same prey. Press J to jump to the feed. 1 decade ago. Which one you think would have better chance getting that strike. The smallest species are the dwarf crocodiles, which can grow to about 5.6 feet (1.7meters in length and weigh 13-15 pounds (6-7kg). Nile crocodile vs Salt water crocodile Comparison. Playing next. Follow. I think it would be similar to how a croc reacts to a hippo, I think you would see a croc give way to walru There are no small places to bite, maybe the ankles, but they are pile drivers with unknowable power behind them. He lives to show his dominance and gain credibility in his harem. Watch out how this girl became a victim of biggest hungry crocodile. Favorite Answer. Nile crocodile in same length is slighty heavier than the Salt water crocodile. However, in shallower water, the shark would find it hard to manouvere so while it was squirming around, the crocodile would be free to attack it. Can crocodile possibly kill a hippo By biting its neck suffocating it or breaking its neck since crocodiles more than 2000 pounds have insanely strong bite force, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the whowouldwin community. Even in water a big male croc at one tonne is still afraid of a bull hippo and even a cow hippo. Yes, but those reptiles went extinct before the hippo evolved. And remember, after I stomp your carnivorous carcass into jelly, I am a vegan, bitch”. Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Nobody bothers a full-grown hippo. A croc might go after a baby if it found one alone. In an ocean, the shark would win as it would dive down and come up from below while the crocodile was surfacing for air. 1000 lbs is a massive size difference imo. Saltwater Crocodile - Crocodylus porosus The saltwater crocodile, also known as estuarine or Indo-Pacific crocodile, (Crocodylus porosus) is the largest of all living reptiles.It is found in suitable habitats in Northern Australia, the eastern coast of India and parts of Southeast Asia. 5 years ago | 19 views. This depends completely on how shallow the water is. Croc cannot get purchase on hippo; the hide is too thick to penetrate. 0 1. Report. A crocodile can only kill a hippo calf or a very weak adult, nothing else. I think the crocodile would out maneuver the hippo, get a hold of it, and drag it down to drown. Watch Wild Animal Fight - Saltwater Crocodile - ANIMAL WORLD on Dailymotion. If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit... then welcome home, my friend. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Hippopotamus (cow) - Hippopotamus amphibius The hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), or hippo, from the ancient Greek for "river horse" (ἱπποπ Hippopotamus (cow) v Saltwater Crocodile - Carnivora Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Yet, in many parts of Africa, crocs and hippos share the same habitat. Anonymous. Crocodile Vs Komodo Dragon Crocodile Stalks Komodo Dragon Nest Crocodile Eat Komodo Dragon Eggs Alligator posted by cincyykid on 6816 at 110 am to centuriontiger lets put them in a cage and find out. Salt water crocodile,the perfect killing machine, hippo for him is just prey. Contrarily, saltwater crocodiles are intelligent creatures who communicate through barks, hisses, growls, or chirps. Hippo is known by its closest neighbors as the most dangerous in Africa. Hippo probably, but not sure if the croc will end up dead. It can be quite challenging to assume who would win if a fight happened between both of them. Search. I think the crocodile would out maneuver the hippo, get a hold of it, and drag it down to drown. The largest subspecies is the white rhino and the smallest is the Sumatran which weighs around 1765 pounds (800kg). Anonymous. Your comment was removed for being less than 6 words; breaking Comment Rule 1: Comments that are a few words and contribute no actual discussion ('lol' or '___ stomps'). Loves to fuck up so-called “predators”. 9 Interesting facts about the hippo – the mighty ‘river horse’ - Africa Geographic .widget.widget_nav_menu ul li a::before, Since hippos reside in African rivers, it's likely the species of crocodile they come across will be Nile crocodiles. Library. Footage of the close encounter at Cahills Crossing in the Northern Territory's Kakadu National Park shows the angler quickly reeling in a fish as a crocodile approaches (pictured). Distribution Ancient history records Komodo dragons to be an evolved species of a dragon-like creature that lived on … There was in fact a nile crocodile that killed a large hippo. In contrast, the lower canines of the hippo can bite right through a crocodile. This is an interesting matchup when the croc is this big. The crocodile is going to be significantly faster and more maneuverable in the water. Croc gets stomped, driven, pounded, crunched, power-slammed, and suplexed into a set of waterproof luggage before we even get to hippo teeth. 5 Answers. Dr. Brady Barr measured the bite force of an adult female at 8,100 newtons (1,800 lbf).". Both are bad tempered brutes, but hippo has incredible power, mass, and skill, remember, he is HUGE! Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. Males are territorial and defend their territories fiercely against other males. Follow. Hippo Vs Crocodile. Salty might try his luck, at first, but then would later regret it, and try to run away. Largest saltwater crocodile is ~2600 lbs. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. At 4,000 pounds per square inch, the saltwater crocodile of northern Africa has the strongest bite of any living animal, powerful enough to snag a zebra or antelope by the hoof and drag it kicking and bleating into the water. Thank you! Also, 5 feet of water gives the hippo all the leverage, his feet will be on the bottom. Hippos are the most aggressive and dangerous animals in Africa, and unlike crocodiles, they can and will capsize small boats and kill whomever ventures into their territory. 0 0. The comparison and difference between Nile crocodile vs Australian Salt water crocodile are given below. Relevance. You are indeed where you belong. Saltwater crocodiles have the strongest bite of any animal today and a large saltwater crocodile can crush a full-grown bovid's skull between its jaws. Hippos vs crocodiles: Stunning pictures of gigantic battle to the death between animal heavyweights. Hippos(Hippopotamus amphibius) are massive. While the hippo would put up more of a fight than a bull, I don't think it has what it takes to survive. Saltwater crocodiles regularly eat cattle almost the size of hippos. 1 decade ago. Saltwater crocodiles can grow more abundant compared to Nile crocodiles, as saltwater crocodiles are native to larger areas.
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