With the new Heroes 7 Campaign, the mission nodes there will contain the rewards currently previewed for Nexus 8, and with additional orange gear drops. Wellcome to the unofficial Marvel Strike Force Tier List, all the characters & teams ranked from Tier SS (The best of the best) to Tier D (the worst of the game) It sounds like getting AIM to ~140k and S6 to ~100k (for legendary unlocks) might be the best way to go. A.I.M. Finally, VIllains 7-4 to 7-6 requires Villain Mystics. A hero that is accessible fairly early in the game, Punisher does decent damage and synergizes well with a team of Defenders. I think there is a bit of a difference in the power level needed to unlock Shuri/IW and clearing 7-3. Go to main menu. This hero is a must-have for the Villains campaign and can even make a good addition to your late-game team. Hela's node is hard to get to because of the node restrictions. Stark Tech. Then, players must be Villains 7-1 to 7-3 with Hydra, S6, or AIM (Hydra with Red Skull or AIM is recommended). SciSup revives allowed me to 3*, so there is some luck involved. He also suggests going for the Tier 15 orb rather than the Tier 14 because those T14 pieces are in stores. For instance, think of a doctor working in a mobile clinic who can’t diagnose the cause of a fever, because the tests require a fully equipped lab for accurate results. Villains – Campaign. Ultron Raid Team, aka Tech Wing Merc Lt (Villains 3-3). The key was stunning yo-yo and taking her out ASAP, or damage will be really low due to offense downs. Then you would maximize the ability energies from Thanos and Starlord. Feel free to browse the latest game news, discussions, strategy, and quality creator content that our community offers. Marvel strike force best team for villains campaign. from your write up, you seem to heavily recommend defenders. Can Sinister 6 manage the nodes? Happy gaming! Hand Sorc for 3-starring nodes, or Hand Blademaster makes good filler for the last spot after Yondu, Crossbones, Elektra, and Nebula. 7. if you're levelling up s6 to unlock them, it shouldn't be too much of a push to do these nodes. NEW. Last Updated on 1 February, 2021 . Band together a team of heroes and villains with this top 10 Marvel Strike Force tips guide by your side. Also, Daredevil's Basic has a bonus attack chance against Villains and Punisher gives the entire team a damage buff against Villains. From what I heard Sinister Six needs to be over 220k power to attempt clearing it. Merc Lt (Villains 3-3) – An amazing Villain who can help get you through the campaign and is viable late game; Iron Fist (Nexus 1-9) – A part of our ideal team, he hits very hard and has a really good heal when paired with Defenders. Then I took out the troopers because they’re the only real threat. Her second skill is a strong single target heal while her third skill is an strong team heal. The above team is a great S.H.I.E.L.D. This team really does take a step up to a great new level, and it is so similar to the Kree rework. If you don’t have Kingpin, Yondu will be someone you want to unlock early for Villain and Cosmic campaign. I do have sinister 6 and AIM unlocked and ready to level though. was the original met team when MARVEL Strike Force dropped a few years ago and they’ve gone through some ups and downs over the years, but remain a force to be reckoned with. I’ve heard AIM teams as low as 150k can win them pretty easily. The Marvel Universe needs your help! MSF Counters. Minn Erva will be your primary healer, and Emma will be your buff cleanser. Section 11 - Flash Events. I have no idea how people are beating those nodes with a weaker team. Submit Issue; Patreon; Discord; Wiki; SUPPORT US ON PATREON . There’s no use having the Avengers or the Justice League if they are just going to sit around in a peaceful world with nothing to do. Marvel Strike Force ISO 8. Following in March will be the new Villains 7 Campaign and the mission nodes there will contain the rewards currently previewed for Nexus 9, again with additional orange gear drops. Asgardian team is a real Power House in Alliance War defense. Band together a team of heroes and villains with this top 10 Marvel Strike Force tips guide by your side. Marvel Strike Force – A Free Game Review . UPDATE: All the Asgardians are now farmable. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the MarvelStrikeForce community. It doesn't. As mentioned earlier, he works well with Carnage and Anti-Venom, making probably the best foundation for any team right now. Build Team Compare Want to remove Ads? UPDATE: All the Asgardians are now farmable. Assault will speed up adjacent giving your healers extra moves and researcher wil heal adjacent also. Merc Lt (Villains 3-3) – An amazing Villain who can help get you through the campaign and is viable late game; Iron Fist (Nexus 1-9) – A part of our ideal team, he hits very hard and has a really good heal when paired with Defenders. August 2020 für Windows 10 veröffentlicht wur Posted by 8 months ago. :), CB,Yondu,Electra ,Bullseye and Hand Sorcs is who i cleared it with, half way though the last set I got WS to switch out with Bullseye. Hero and villain characters can be on the same team, but remember that some skills will be more effective on other hero and villain team members. There isn't a ton of choice early on, but thankfully Xbones and Elektra remain quite useful throughout the campaign and are worth investing in. At this moment Marvel Strike Force has 2 years behind itself and it is still one of the most important turn-based RPGs (Gatcha) on Google Play with more than 10 million downloads and an average score of 4.3. His third skill Yaka Arrow attacks everyone and has a very high undodgeable chance that pierces. Ima need to do this with hydra too. NEW. I think Kingpin,Yondu,Nebula,Electra and Crossbones, ....Well sure, but the main way to GET kingpin is by finishing the Villain campaign. To add context, I'm a fairly new player and I don't have sinister 6, AIM or hydra appropriately levelled. Counters Click on a counter team to see more info. The offensive phase for Alliance Wars lasts 24 hours in Marvel Strike Force and allows players to attacks the specific zones shown below and score points for their Alliance. Thanks for all the great responses. I will say that I probably had good RNG, so don't expect the same results, but it's definitely possible. MARVEL Strike Force was introduced to the world in March of 2018 and its popularity remains at a high today, with the … An assault on Earth has begun and Super Heroes and Super Villains are working together to defend it! An assault on Earth has begun and Super Heroes and Super Villains are working together to defend it! Did it with a 125k A.I.M. Is it necessary to go for AIM or Hydra to 3 star it? The subreddit for MARVEL Strike Force, a game for iOS/Android that is published by Scopely. Feel free to browse the latest game news, discussions, strategy, and quality creator content that our community offers. Personally I ran through with S6 because they are 360k but the villains campaign seems a lot easier as a whole compared to the heroes one. Last Updated on 31 December, 2020 . Opponent. Happy gaming! Want to remove Ads? Marvel Strike Force ISO 8. Three starred node 2 on my third try, node 3 on my first, took me 4 tries to 2 star the first node. In MARVEL Strike Force, ready for battle alongside allies and arch-rivals in this action-packed, visually-stunning free-to-play game for your phone or tablet. B ecause the hivemind at FoxNext/Scopely (or whoever the money-mongering warlocks-behind-the-curtain who run this game may be) have decided to throw the idea of team- or theory-crafting out the window in favor of meta-team building motivations, the meta-team-less characters of Deadpool and Cable have fallen by the wayside, and into the category of the proverbial “lost toys.”
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