Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by monkeymanboy, Jul 21, 2013. Hello guys, i'm making a melon farm plugin at the moment. They cannot be eaten, but are used to create potions of healing or a potion of weakness. Combine with Gold Nugget to get a Glistering Melon; PREVIOUS. They can also be bought from the Farm Merchant for 2coins each. 12-04-2020 - how do you make a glistering melon in minecraft.. Gemt fra google.com. Affiliates. Glistering melons are created by combining a gold nugget with a melon slice in any crafting interface. Edit. Tips. Brewing Recipes in Minecraft. Turn the glistering melon around. Information about the Glistering Melon Slice item from Minecraft, including its item ID, spawn commands, crafting recipe and more. 1.7.2 13w37a: Block ID 105, melon stem, has been removed from the /give command. The Enchanted Melon is an Uncommon consumable item unlocked at MelonIV. When making a glistering melon, it is important that the melon and gold nuggets are placed in the exact pattern as the image below. notlying. Now put the Melon Slice in the middlebox of the Crafting Table and Gold Nuggets are in the other. Joined Jul 3, 2020 Messages 47 Reactions 17. The Glistering Melon is a non-edible Food Item added inUpdate 0.12.1. Farming melons and gold nuggets. ; How to obtain. Glistering Melon. Glistering Melon (Slice)'s can be used to make Healing Potions. Glistering melon is obtained through crafting with 8 Gold Nugget and a Melon Slice. As of update 0.9.8, their only use besides upgrading the minion collection is in Brewing. Melons are now used in the crafting recipe of glistering melons. how do you make a glistering melon in minecraft. You can also obtain enchanted melons from the roll em ability of the Melon Dicer The Enchanted Melon is used as a brewing ingredient for the Healing Potion. Add Glistering Melon. eating glistering melons. Minecraft SkinShare Minecraft Mods Minecraft Servers Minecraft Skins Minecraft World Seeds. Redirect Notice . Glistering melon can be made by combining a Gold Nugget and a Melon Slice. How to make Glistering Melon item ? 3.5 coins Shop Glistering Melon It can be used to brew a Healing Potion I. You can take it and place in the inventory. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 x Glistering Melon. Finish. Glistering melons, also known as speckled and sparkling melons, are used as a brewing ingredient in Minecraft. Farming melons is quite easy, though getting the melon seeds can be tricky as they can only be found in chests in abandoned mineshafts. I think this would add a fun mechanic that might encourage the player to eat melons more and get a benefit out of it instead of just getting ½ food notch for every melon. Nightfox_29 Member. Farming melons is quite easy, though getting the melon seeds can be tricky as they can only be found in chests in abandoned mineshafts. Glistering melons should be edible like other gold-based food. I want that a player gets a amount (5 - 10) melons when he breaks a melon. Craft with eight Gold Nuggets surrounding a Melon slice. 1 Obtaining 2 Crafting 3 Brewing 4 Usage 5 Trivia Glistering Melons can be obtained by Crafting them in a Crafting Table. So these special food items help make the Potion of Healing so why make it do that but weaken the effect. Glistering melons are created by combining a gold nugget with a melon slice in any crafting interface. Right now melons (aside from cookies) are one of the most useless food items in the game. How to Make a Lead in Minecraft. 1.3.1 12w21a: Melons can now be bought from farmer villagers, at 5–8 melon slices for 1 emerald. This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft brewing items with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. See Also. Okay so what if Glistering Melon Slices were eatable in Minecraft? Selected for you. For example, melons and glistering melons face opposite directions from each other since they were added, and that has never changed. Awkward Potion. I have all the melons and gold i need, I just wanna craft lots of enchanted glistering melons. To make a potion of harming you will need water bottles which you can make from glass. And i want that the player has a 7% chance of getting a glistering melon To make Glistering Melon Slice you’ll need 1 Melon Slice and 8 Gold Nuggets. Melons are a Common item found within the Barn and can be collected on Private Islands through Melon Minions or a Melon Farm. Offline monkeymanboy. 8 Golden Nuggets + 1 Melon Slice => 1 Glistering Melon 1 Glistering Melon + Awkward Potion => 1 Potion of Healing Glistering Melons can be used as ingredients in the process ofBrewing. Gemt af fish. Glistering melon is a Common Brewing ingredient used in making Healing Potions. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Melons can be found on The Barn. It's right that it's much harder to do it with items, since you can't specify which direction some of them - like a melon or a steak - are pointing to. 1 Crafting 2 Usage 2.1 Enchanted Melon Block 2.2 Upgrading Melon Minion VI-IX 3 Time to obtain using a minion Requires 160 Melons per enchanted melon. Jul 8, 2020 #2 A Personal Compactor would help. The glistering would do more damage then the regular (3 hearts compared to 1½). Edit and deploy with 1-click on Tynker's Minecraft servers. When … They cannot be eaten, but are used to create potions of healing or a potion of weakness. The seeds of a water melon slice are facing left, but the seeds of a glistering melon slice are facing right, which doesn't really make a lot of sense because you create glistering melons from water melons. I though I would ask if Glistering Melon could be changed to be edible. When brewed into an Awkward Potion, it creates a Potion of Healing. Joined Jul 2, 2020 Messages 96 Reactions 36. It doesn't break when you pick it back up, looks snazzy, but can be turned into food in a pinch. Eat melons for food source. It is one of the many potion ingredients that can be used to make Mundane Potions. Brewable Potions. Glistering melon (crafted from gold nuggets and melon) Spider eyes (dropped from spiders) Magma cream (crafted from blaze powder and slimeball) Sugar (crafted from sugarcane) Blaze Powder (crafted from Blaze Rods) Ghast Tears (dropped from Ghasts) Redstone dust (obtained from mining) How to Brew Mundane Potion in Minecraft . It should give you 2.5 icons filled, and give you 5 seconds of regen 2. It makes sense because, you can eat golden apples and golden carrots, why not a golden melon? Farming melons and gold nuggets. Remix and deploy Glistering Melon Cake. It can be used to brew a Healing Potion I. StarMade Crafting Planet Minecraft Crazy-Fools Minecraft Crafting Seed Share. My other a bit more serious reason why it would be a good idea: I feel like it's unfair that we can eat golden carrots and golden apples, but we can't eat glistering melon for some reason. Now whenever you eat a Glistering Melon Slice, you will get 3 health points regained! That seems logical! Glistering Melon; Official Minecraft Wiki Entry: Glistering Melon: Type: Crafted Item Renewable: Yes Stackable: 64: Appears in: Minecraft: First Appearance: Beta 1.9pre4: Item Data Information: Decimal Data Value: 382 Hexadecimal Data Value: 17E Binary Data Value: 000101111110 Further EE2-related information; EMC: 243 Crafting. 1. Glistering Melons are a vanilla item usually made from a gold nugget and a melon slice. If you put all ingredients in the correct order you’ll see the Glistering Melon Slice in the right box of the Crafting Table. - Glistering Melon - Blaze Powder - Brewing Stand - Nether Wart - Fermented Spider Eye. You'd need 2 slices to get the benefit of 1 gold carrot, but in melon form you could carry way more glistering melon. History Talk (0) Share. How can i craft them faster? Then, you can place another ingredient, Glistering Melon to the top box. Healing Potion. To make a glistering melon, place 1 melon and 8 gold nuggets in the 3x3 crafting grid. It can replace redstone in the brewing recipe for a mundane potion. Despite being a melon, glistering melons cannot be consumed, and they can only be used in brewing. Glistering Melon is a non-edible item used for imbuing Potions with health restoration effects. They can be crafted using a melon and 8 gold nuggets. In the first row, there should be 3 gold nuggets. I got it all set up how I want it so that it will give you some hearts and none of your hunger bar but my one problem is that it does not consume the glistering melon heres the code. Maybe the whole melon could be a placeable block. First, place the Crafting Table on the ground and open it by Right-Clicking on it. Well I’ll tell you the answer. If you think about it: we can eat food which is literally covered in gold, but if it's too little gold it's not good enough? 1.8 14w02a: Villagers no longer sell melons. Invite friends to see your creations and custom mods. They now buy melons instead. So, that’s how to make a Potion of Healing in Minecraft. NightFox_29. Thread Status: Not open for further replies. If you want to make a Mundane Potion, you first need to make … ; Trivia Glistering Melons are a brewing item on Minecraft.It is not very hard to get, requiring 8 Gold Nuggets (almost one Gold Ingot) and a Melon slice, though it used to require just one nugget.. Brewing. You can craft brewing items in Minecraft such as a brewing stand, blaze powder, cauldron, fermented spider eye, glistering melon, magma cream, glass bottles, water bottles, potions, splash potions or lingering potions. Check out other cool remixes by Exhausted Value and Tynker's community. 1.13 17w47a It's a very tiny change and doesn't really matter, but it … This Glistering Melon Cake Minecraft Items was remixed by Exhausted Value. Melons are used as a food source and can be converted into a Glistering Melon. Code:java @EventHandler. N. notlying Member. The last, you will hear “glup glup glup” sound and the Potion of Healing will be made.
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