Reinforced with maxed Vader and fotp. EP(L), Tarkin, Sith Soldier, Death Trooper and Malak (I had put DR & Bastilla in platoons). Arena mods. A guild must have a minimum of 100 million This went over pretty well last time so here it is again. ez pz, no problem at all. SWGOH TB - Running EchoBot. Interactive Geonosis Territory Battle Map SWGoH {{squads[item].name}} Thought maybe it bad RNG until it happened again against g12 BH squad. Read more… Won before tarkin special. With Chimera you can solo the mission with Hounds Tooth and Because my original goal was to help players see where they need to be to beat each of these Combat & Special Missions, I will not be continuing with the detailed walkthrough style and instead, when relevant, I will add additional notes on this Special Mission below. Don't even bother executrix mission without god tier pilots. Did the acklay. Vader RI helped even the playing field but was still one step behind at every step. A bot to assist in your every day Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Routine Should you play in a guild, or trying to share your daily pvp rewards, this Discord Bot is what you need. Geo mission: Got rekt before i got a tuen with my 3 g12 geos lol, Hounds Tooth (g12+ and maxed mods), Xanadu Blood (g11), and TIE Silencer (g12+ and maxed mods). Mission unit was useless, died in 2 shots, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. I won by ult'ing with Tarkin, though there was only 1 ship left at which point I could've beaten with combat ships alone. Was your Executrix mission against the Endurance? Starters: Geo-Trio (g12+0 with maxed ship skills), RI's: B-28, XB, IG (Marauder g12+0, XB/IG g11). Phase 1 Special Mission – Additional Battle Notes: Now with Relics in the game, these battles are even easier than before. Once a territory has reached one star, the territory in the next zone that has arrows pointing to it from the previous one will unlock for the next phase. I won to the negotiator and lost against endurance (with a weaker team). Oui le câble est défectueux, de la daube, ce que tu veux, mais le résultat peut être différent de "j'ai pas d'image pas de son". Rewards are determined based on the number of Stars your guild can achiev… Probably 6 months out from beating it. Reinforcements were vulture droid and Vader TIE (Base g12, one zeta). The biggest mistake they've made with Geo, though, is that it's still TB, and it's still a boring slog after the first 4 or 5 runs, even if you can't get max stars. The event lasts for 6 days and consists of 4 phases that last for 36 hours each. I recommend a strong Geo Fleet for the battle that you don't have HT, people like to use Ebon Hawk, Palp Shuttle, B28 Bomber, Vader's ship, and other sith ships in addition to Geos. I started with my maxed bugs and spy + soldier were killed before I even took a turn when facing Kenobi' new ship. Had maxed tfp carry with evades and used thrawn special twice. Result: didn't win but went pretty far. Phase 4 Combat Mission Battle Notes (Take 3): With the notes above I have decided to expand upon this content as my roster grows stronger. This one went a lot more smoothly. I tried it with HT + sub-par units, they died before they got a turn and HT got one turn, he … Sun Fac got killed off shortly after. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. In the Middle Territory in Phase 3 there is a Special Mission where players can earn Wat Tambor shards using their Geonosian characters as well as a Combat Mission requiring Separatist Droids . It feels like g12 and maxed ships are really needed to beat these ship missions consistently. NS, BH, and FO can win but it is very difficult unless they are decked out! Just done a search, and couldn't see anything so thought i'd drop this info incase people dont know Hound Tooth(HT), IG-2000, Xanadu are great for the Geo TB fleet, to the point where phase 4 battle is simple with them. Not any trouble, Asajj came close to dying, but her aoe attack and heal help out a ton (thanks healthsteal!). Lost the match after my first RI (Vulture Droid). Press J to jump to the feed. The early stuns from silencer helped and it + XB took out some ships to keep HT tanking long after all their ships reinforced. Phase Sector Units 1-star 2-star 3-star CMs SMs Platoons 1 1 Squad 65,720,000 84,340,000 109,530,000 2 0 166,700 1 2 Squad If you can win with NS, BH, or FO please indicate if you have God mods on them or not because a lot had issues winning with them in phase 1. More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. Now that we have a few more ships (tie bomber, sith bomber etc), what are you favorite lineups for the 2 missions without Hounds tooth? Triumvirate + Thrawn + Wampa, reliable as always, easy. The fleet missions are a joke, you either get Endurance as your opponent and stand at least a small chance or you get Negotiator and die before you take a turn. Maybe try some strategy? Mods should be the same as Since I only moved mods on Dooku. Save specials for wave 4 as it can be tough. Reinforce was tfp -》 maul who specialized on tfp and last was g12 dt who also almost died before thrawn special saved him. Thanks for everyone who helped last time. Some takeaways from what was posted in P1: Geo CM: Seems impossible without maxed Geo's AND Alpha. Phase 3 features 3 territories as players battle with ships and ground troops. The chimaera mission wasn't bad, I used my geos, reinforced vulture droid, reinforced TFP and then won. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. I think Endurance basic was hitting fairly hard, maybe harder than normal. It is such a unique jedi ability and would Starters: ITF, HT, Kylo's Shuttle (g12+3, only missing Bossk zeta), RI's: TAx1, Gauntlet, Reaper, Shuttle (only Vader is 12+3, rest are g11, except RG). 2) Triumvirate + sith assasin + B2 (don't really know why I put him but eh), careful not to get Sion killed while elite Fives is there. It was bad. Lost Talzin in last phase but just popped her back up with Daka. Executrix is a momentum fleet and I needed more enemy ships dying faster. Geonosian ships (base g12, 5 dot gold mods) as the starting lineup, Reinforcements were Slave 1, TIE Reaper, IG-2000, and TIE Fighter (Mix of g11-12, and bleh mods). Tried this one, didn't lose anyone (permanently, that is), thanks! Chimaera: Did it with ht and crap ships. Result: Unlike RoughRaptors below and someone else in the Imperial Fleet Discord, I lost my Soldier before I got a turn. Geonosian Dark Side TB. What a stupid mechanic. Executrix I finished with maxed MT, silencer and reaper. Started too slow. Executrix: I used g12 geos and reinforced with vader. Here are the changes to my roster since the last time: Count Dooku – Gear 13, 23,532 power, 300 speed, Relic Level 2, 1 6-dot mod You can copy and paste into a spreadsheet to make the math faster. I will note a few things about this one, for ships if you don't have the ones I put just put in your current best fleet available. The bugs killed two ships before any of mine died. You can only summon one rocket droid at a time. Vader felt unnecessary since HT never lost health at any point and I just ended up winning by ult'ing with Chimaera twice. Not sure how to counter that... Executrix cm: maxed out ht, tarkin, , g12/11 gauntlet, 11 cadbane. That are consistent wins even if you get negotiator? I didn’t last 45 seconds . Thrawn had god mods but everyone else had pretty good mods. took like 10 min on auto, but ht cant die and thrawn just slowly killed them all with ultis. Asajj + Dooku Mission: G12, arena mods, all zetas. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Press J to jump to the feed. Yeah, i got endurance both times and they were both easy victories. Territory Battles are a player vs environment (PVE) event where every member in a guild tries to earn Territory Points (TP) by completing various missions in each territory. Oooohhh boy. BH team: Bossk(L), Boba, Dengar, Embo and Greedo. In three moves. Meh mods, just mostly speed/survivability. Other cm: maxed thrawn and sunfac, g11 soldier and g8 spy. What is your Guild's total GP for ships only: You can find this on by going to your guild page, sorting by Galactic Power and then adding all the numbers in the "GP (Ships)" column. I've made the graph of Phase 2 teams. 2 years ago. Wasn't too hard just a long battle. #swgoh Видео How We Are Preparing For Geo TB - Weekly Recap - Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes - SWGoH канала MobileGamer Загрузка страницы Главная О городе Карта … The other battle I did not lose a unit. Ships Oooohhh boy. Gauntlet almost died to mace+ gives special. Geonosis Republic Offensive is a Territory Battle that requires Light Side characters and ships. DR + Malak: Could have autoed it, unsure if lucky from units but this was easier than p1 for me. All went well for the first 3 rounds, since bossk lead healed more than they damaged me. But it didn’t matter, because with a fully g12 NS squad, I was still only able to go 3/4 as on stage 4 Vanguard did a one hit kill AOE. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Spy died around after commanders took a turn. CMs: Sith Empire and Traya squads have the best success. Please post how you did or strategy to help others. Same here, the chimaera mission was OK, got obliterated with th executrix one. Don't even bother executrix mission without god tier pilots. Now that we have a few more ships (tie bomber, sith bomber etc), what are you favorite lineups for the 2 missions without Hounds tooth? I tried it with HT + sub-par units, they died before they got a turn and HT got one turn, he got hit for 150k and then fell over dead. I modded Dooku for potency and spammed stuns as much as possible. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Lost everyone but Malak at 4/4, but at that time he already had the 3 stacks and was just a matter to wait for Drain life cd. – note: once TB is live, i will update requirements on this, it is unclear if you can cross-deploy characters and ships on ground, respectively air territories Datamined info already revealed the names of all territories and missions with all required units, so here is the list. Everyone at g12, only arena mods on Malak and Sith Soldier. Edit: Much like the ground missions. Howdy. Was fearing that NS would not do that great since asajj is needed elsewhere. Enter 4/4 Bossk got wiped as soon as the enemy gets a turn (Elite cody + a bunch of clones). Cookies help us deliver our Services. This one seems to be extremely hard that I don't think even maxed pilots would help. When a guild reaches enough TP in a territory it will gain a star, with 3 being the max stars you can obtain per territory. Is it even possible to do the Executrix mission? Because my original goal was to help players see where they need to be to beat each of these Combat & Special Missions, I will not be continuing with the detailed walkthrough style and instead, when relevant, I will add additional notes on this Combat Mission below. This Was able to do a CM 4/4 with zTalzin (L) G12+1, zDaka G12+3, zombie g12+2, Talia G11, Thrawn G12+5 (Used Asajj with Dooku mission). All platoons at 6/6. Getting 1 win is reasonable, getting 2 requires a huge investment in ships, as the battle without Hounds tooth is super hard and will require high leveled character's, G12 at a bare minimum. Zam seems to work well if you have her. Most of the posts are over a year old regarding this topic. Lost all but HT in a long drawn out fight. You Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. My bug team is not even fully maxed and i think i only lost spy out of the whole team. It’s fun because it’s not fun. At its Three move AOE killshot from vanguard on stage 4. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren CT Rancor Phase 1 Solo - 2021-02-07 01:34:59 Event Calendar - February 2021 - 2021-02-03 02:05:21 Road Ahead - January 2021 - 2021-01-28 19:19:08 Mispriced Crystal Packs in Store - 2021-01-26 Plague just slowly wore them down and they resisted everything so fed me lots of TM. I finished chimera with g12+3ish geo's and only called vulture for reinforcement. That are … Please give Plo Koon his Judgement ability. Check out the most consistent fleet lineup to complete the ship CM in the Phase 4 Dark side Geonosian Territory Battle with Houndstooth. Phase 2 Special Mission – Additional Battle Notes: Now with Relics in the game, these battles are even easier than before. 7* zbrood and some 16500 bugs...Indeed maxed g12-13 bugs required +arena mods. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Phase 1 – Platoons – MissionsPhase 2 – Platoons – MissionsPhase 3 – Platoons – MissionsPhase 4 – Platoons – Missions Geonosis Republic Offensive (or Light Side Geo TB – LSGTB) is Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes most challenging content release to date.
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