39. Otherwise, it is either absorbed or dropped. What is Surprise in D&D 5e and How Does It Work? Being able to completely remove two enemies from combat this way is just fantastic. u/Augustends. Similarly, you would need to have someone do things like open a door for you or flip through the pages of a book. I will not include 3rd-party content, including content from DMs Guild, even if it is my own, because I can't assume that your game will allow 3rd-party content or homebrew. Plus 222 from six dire wolf (also AC 14) wild shapes equals a total of 292 hit points… close to double the bear totem barbarian. The Giant Constrictor Snake is my favorite option for CR 2 forms. This will be an indispensable resource on your Druid’s travels! Enemies will have higher ACs than you can hit reliably without advantage, and will hit you too easily and do too much damage to make Wild Shape an option that you can rely on constantly. It's been 3 years after the release of 5e, ... enough to use wildshape his second time before a short rest and turn into a Dire Wolf (again 37 HP!). RPGBOT uses the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance. Currently I have added a power that tracks how many shifts I have / have used and added weapon attacks for the forms I used most. Selling the idea that your Killer Whale form is still wearing your Druid’s Hide Armor is a bit of a tough argument, but you do you. A level 16 the Druid can only become an animal as shown in the table, had level 8 (CR1), or I expand the table, and and it can become a creature of CR2 ? Against single enemies, the Giant Toad can quickly remove anything of medium size or smaller. I also see no other attacks listed for the creature, so in my game, this would be the melee attack it would make for an opportunity attack. Deserts, mountains, coasts, and more contain a wide spectrum of life that the Druid can meet and observe. Some links to stores and online shopping websites include an affiliate code. Swashbuckler Rogue Guide for D&D 5e | Ahoy Matey! If you check out page 24 of Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, there are tables for various environments and the creatures that live there. The Water Elemental is able to grapple enemies and restrain them inside of its own current. Flight is typically your best bet for scouting, which makes the Owl the best option. You can heal yourself as a bonus action by burning spell slots, which helps, but it's very expensive compared to what you can get from casting a spell with that slot. Wild Cunning (UA) Source: Unearthed Arcana 36 - Starter Spells. Polymorph gives a larger amount of options for what a creature can be turned into. 3. A feat fits into "other source" so it works in Wild Shape, again assuming it complies with the other rules of Wild Shape. The Moon Druid can turn into a Fire, Air, Water, or Earth Elemental. You are still able to do this if you don’t want to use your action for something else. Your last Wild Shape improvement comes at level 8. For the same reasons that the Wolf is a great choice at CR 1/4, the Dire Wolf is a solid bet at CR 1. It still suffers from a low DC of 11 to resist the poison from its bite, but it does gain a web attack. Chaotic Wild Shape Table Combat wild shapes are best utilized by Circle of the Moon druids, and can be used to engage foes in melee combat. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage. But Wild Shape is an ability with so much impact on the class and so many options that it can be kind of confusing. 2 LVL druid, Moon, applies first use of Wild Shape and takes the shape of a Dire Wolf. CR 1 is the max for non-Moon Druids, but by the time you reach this point, it may be hard to use these as combat forms. In a few cases we've gotten answers on whether or not feats operate in Wild Shape. Additionally, you still keep your skill and saving throw proficiencies while also gaining any that the creature you choose has. The text of the second bullet specifically mentions toughening your scales, so maybe it works for scaled creatures like fish, lizards, and dinosaurs, but not for animals without scales like birds and mammals. Today we’re rolling up our sleeves and getting in touch with our inner animal as we dive into The Guide to Wild Shape for Druids in D&D 5e! With 20, it matches or exceeds every AC on the table. Underwater the Giant Octopus is still solid. Against groups, consider Giant Owl, Wolf, or Velociraptor. However, remember that you use the Unarmored Defense calculation in place of your animal form's default calculation, so your form's "natural armor" won't stack (again according to Sage Advice). All Druid Wild Shapes stats from D&D 5th Edition. Once you get the ability to use forms with flying speeds, the Giant Vulture is a prime choice. With Wild Shape, the Druid can turn into a beast that they have seen before. Green: Good options. A deck of 86 beast stat blocks to quickly find the stats for whatever animal you decide to become, befriend or speak with. Pack Tactics. Just be warned that, for better or worse, the target will be acting based on the chosen creature’s instincts. Wild Shape is an incredibly important and defining ability of the Druid. However, the target does not retain their mental abilities as they would with Wild Shape or Shapechange. Just note that you cannot use legendary actions or lair actions in this new form. Elemental Wild Shape The Circle of the Moon Druid takes another huge leap forward when they hit level 10. Close. If you have ever wanted to play as a Beholder, Purple Worm, Adult Dragon, or any other powerful creature of legend, this is your chance! Class Features. I also won't cover Unearthed Arcana content because it's not finalized, and I can't guarantee that it will be available to you in your games. To investigate ocelost 's claim I too did this things, (level 2 moon druid with WIS 18, not proficient in perception, then wild shaped to dire wolf). Bite. The other limitation to your Wild Shape ability is based on your Druid level. March 31, 2020: Announcing FGU support for the Druid Wild Shapes Implementor Extension (DWSI). Every class in D&D has an ability that just defines it and, for the Druid, that ability is Wild Shape. In fact, the only Druid subclasses that aren’t as likely to use this ability often are the Circle of Stars and Circle of Spores Druids! anything with Pack Tactics). Bite. The Giant Spider's web is a fun utility, especially against big enemies with low AC. So go ahead and pick something strong or fast as the moment requires! Not only does it have a respectable AC, but it gets three attacks! Just choose carefully as your hit points do not increase if you change into a form that has more. 2. To watch for ongoing updates, please follow me on Twitter. This feature, known as Wild Shape, puts the entire animal kingdom at the druid's fingertips. Pack Tactics: The wolf has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the wolf's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. Using these links and purchasing something through them gives Tabletop Joab a small commission. If it was updated before November 17th, it has not been updated to include the new content. An upgraded version of the Giant Wolf Spider, the Giant Spider is hardier and deals more damage. Do you have any questions about Wild Shape in D&D 5e? Their hands mean that they can still interact with objects and they also get two attacks per turn. Being able to potentially knock an enemy prone is a very nice plus! To see what I still need to complete to catch up with Tasha's, see my To-Do List. I maintain this site as a hobby, and I got access to the book on the same day as everyone else and I am rushing to catch up as quickly as I can. CR 0 includes creatures which aren't dangerous, or are only dangerous in great numbers (I.E. Apparently this also extends to butterflies, which I did not know breathe through pores in their carapace. I always recommend having a exported backup of your character, just in case. So long as you comply with the other mechanics of Wild Shape (no casting spells, etc.) The dire wolf is for you. ACTIONS. Shapechange functions as the supreme Granddaddy version of Wild Shape. Give them meaningful challenges out of combat that are resolved by turning into an animal. Remember that you can only Wild Shape twice per short rest, and the DMG's expectation of a normal adventuring day is 6-8 encounters per day with 2 short rests (See DMG Page 84: "The Adventuring Day"), so a single use of Wild Shape needs to be able to last at least an entire fight on average. The wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. Please be patient while these changes are made. It was developed and play-tested with Fantasy Grounds v3.3.7 on June 15, 2019. Exploration wild shapes are unfit for combat, but have abilities that allow them to move swiftly, making them excellent for travel, or are incredibly small or silent, making them useful in situations where stealth is paramount. This can be a fun power that allows players to flex their creativity, but also somewhat overwhelming because none of those animal stats are in the Player's Handbook. One cannot choose an arbitrary animal; the choices are badger, brown bear, boar, panther or wolf. Alternatively, if you weren’t quite ready for combat, you can cast a spell. Blue: Fantastic options, often essential to the function of your character. Not that that’s a bad thing, but it’s good to be aware! The Giant Scorpion is an absolutely vicious option. As you can see over at SageAdvice, Crawford says that as long as the creature can exhale, it can use the breath weapon. Getting in touch with nature just seems right this spring. The creature that you choose to turn into must have a CR equal to your level or less. For multiple enemies, use the Ape. Your Druid level determines the maximum Challenge Rating (CR) of a beast that you can turn into. It’s not quite as fast or hardy as a Giant Eagle, but Pack Tactics is just such a wonderful thing. The advice offered below is based on the current State of the Character Optimization Meta as of when the article was last updated. This form of shapeshifting cannot be dispelled. They can use this ability twice before needing to take a short or long rest to regain it. 2 years ago. I haven't hashed out everything yet, but this eventually translates into the character becoming a druid with a werewolf theme to where he can only wild shape into the Dire Wolf. As always, the goal is to provide as much information as absolutely possible in a detailed but (hopefully) fun way. You’ll still be plenty clever! Giant Crocodile is your best bet most of the time, but Giant Shark is pretty great underwater. Bite. If you're willing to go for 2-3 levels, there's a lot to be said for Barbarian. At level 8 a druid will select a magical beast form, Winter Wolf or Dire Bear, gaining the other at level 11. While restrained, the enemy creatures take constant damage and begin to drown. You will find the stat blocks for most beasts in the game starting on page 317. Wild Shape is not just a combat ability. 1st-level transmutation (ritual) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120 feet Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous. I mentioned this briefly when discussing the Druid Circle of Dreams. Moonbeam, for example, allows you to use an action to move it 60 feet in any direction. Pack Tactics gives you advantage on attack rolls if you have an ally next to the target. Pack Tactics: The wolf has advantage on an Attack roll against a creature if at least one of the wolf's allies is within 5 … As you level up, Wild Shape will become almost exclusively used for utility purposes like flying or water breathing unless you are a Circle of the Moon Druid. These Druids get a healing ability as a part of their subclass. Against single enemies, go for Giant Frog if they're small or smaller, or Velociraptor if they're not. Ankylosaurus serves as a Defender, while Giant Scorpion is great for holding stuff in place and murdering it. 1. Tabletop Joab is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. At CR 0 you're not looking for a combat form. Join our mailing list and be the first to get new posts, updates, and freebies! When you return to your normal form, you will have the same amount of hit points that you had when you used Wild Shape. You call out to the spirits of nature to aid you. Flying forms don't open up until level 8, but you'll still be on CR 2 at that point, so if you need to fly, Giant Vulture is still your best bet until level 9, at which point the Quetzalcoatlus will easily outdo the Giant Vulture. (Allowable because Moon druids can assume CR 1 beasts starting at 2nd level.) Once you can use forms with swimming speeds, the Reef Shark is a top choice for aquatic animals. Personally I like the Monk's Unarmored Defense better for a single-level dip because it works on your 20 Wisdom (a consistent +5 to AC) instead of whatever Constitution score your Wild Shape form has, which will range anywhere from 10 to 20, but typically hangs around 15-16. Dire Wolf Edit Page Content. If you need to get around unnoticed in a city, Cat or Rat are both good options in case you're spotted. For the same reasons that the Wolf is a great choice at CR 1/4, the Dire Wolf is a solid bet at CR 1. The only exception to this is that any damage that carries over from reducing your animal form to 0 hit points is then taken by your Druid. This also means that a Druid who is multiclassed with Rogue levels would also gain Sneak Attack benefits! The druid’s level sets limits on the type of beast form assumed: A maximum challenge rating (CR) of 1/4 and no flying or swimming speed at 2nd level, max. Because your Druid can only turn into beasts that they have seen, it is well worth it to spend some time in nature when you arrive in a new location. Because there are so many beasts to choose from, it is highly recommended that you pick up a copy of the Monster Manual when playing a Druid. that's really broad. Because you retain your mental stats when using Shapechange, you stay in full control of your behavior. Sure, an AC 14 isn’t the greatest, but the chance of knocking someone prone on a successful attack makes the dire wolf a solid pick. I will not include 3rd-party content, including content from DMs Guild, even if it is my own, because I can't assum… Your trust is important to us and we only ever recommend products that personally use and believe in. The Dragonborn racial feat Dragon Hide gives you an ability score increase (overriden by Wild Shape; that part is clear), but it's not totally clear how the rest of the feat works. The wolf has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the wolf's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.. If you happen to see a Saber-Toothed Tiger in your travels, it’s another great CR 2 option for your Wild Shape ability. If they make this save, they still take half. Posted by Joab | Dec 26, 2020 | For Players | 0 |. If you don’t think the enemy has a good Constitution modifier, this form’s poison damage can be devastating. Do you see a small opening as you try to infiltrate the enemy’s base? It’s very likely that your Dungeon Master will be excited that you want to spend some time exploring the environment. While you aren’t able to cast spells while in Wild Form (which we’ll cover shortly), you can maintain concentration. Red: Bad, useless options, or options which are extremely situational. Because these can still be used while in Wild Shape, the Circle of Dreams can still provide healing while they are in beast form. The Fire Elemental is far and away the absolute best for damage, but may not always be ideal. As you can see, the Monk's version of Unarmored Defense will exceed the Barbarian's in almost every case with as little as 16 Wisdom. Wild shape is an exciting and versatile Druid ability which a lot of people want to use, but which is easy to use badly. Part-time Druid, Full-time Hobo. While they point out the highlights of various beasts I'm of a mind to expand on this… The third bullet allows you to grow claws from your fingers, but most animals don't have fingers. © Tabletop Joab 2021 | All Rights Reserved, Rust Monsters in D&D 5e: Get Some Iron In Your Diet. There are several benefits to using your Druid’s Wild Shape ability. Circle of the Moon Druids will skip this CR entirely because they have access to considerably better options. Please check "Last Updated" date below the title of each page. These hit points are separate from your Druid’s hit points. I will use the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance. When you cast this spell, choose one of the following effects: The current version for Fantasy Grounds Classic (FGC) of the extension is v0.0.10, released on June 16, 2019 and is below. The next table presents all possible Wild Shapes transformations of a Druid of the Circle of the Moon. Everyone but Moon Druids will start with this CR as their best option from levels 2 and 3. This makes for an average of 41 damage in a round if the target fails their save against the poison. I’m in the enviable position of being invited to a new Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) campaign in Dungeons and Dragons Adventurers League (DDAL). Several excellent flying options exist at this CR, but Moon Druids have better options at CR 1, and other druids can't select forms with a fly speed. Not to cheapen the experience, the Giant Scorpion also has blindsight. A Half-Orc Druid can still benefit from their Savage Attacks and Relentless Endurance abilities. Want to have the creature with the highest AC possible? Sabre-Toothed Tiger is your go-to damage form, and Giant Constrictor Snake is your single-target striker form. It allows the Druid player to approach situations with a ton of creativity while also helping them fill in any gaps that the party may have. Understanding Wild Shape mostly boils down to understanding what form to take; which forms work, which forms work in specific situations, and which forms just never work. Personally, I find it hilarious while also opening up for some very creative scenarios. Similar to the normal wolf Wild Shape used at the lowest levels, the dire wolf is a good choice for those looking to enhance their traveling experience with the party. The Druid has a skill, called WILD SHAPE (page 66 of the PHB), but there is a table of the creatures example that it can turn, but only to your 8th level as Druid. For example, if you want to Wild Shape into a ferret, you might use the Weasel stats on page 340. If your Druid cast a spell like Entangle before turning into a beast, the spell effect will continue. ACTIONS. This CR is a difficult middle-ground, mostly populated by larger version of CR 0 options. A bear that can Rage of course! Weapon and Armor Proficiency. Next it goes in for the sting. I strongly recommend listening to this episode of the Dragon Talk podcast, in which Jeremy Crawford spends 45 minutes discussing the minutiae of Wild Shape and its interaction with other stuff. Unique to the Moon Druid subclass, Elementals are incredibly powerful Wild Form options. When you use your Wild Shape ability to transform into a beast, you gain that creature’s hit points and Hit Dice. One of the best parts about being a druid in Dungeons & Dragons 5e is the ability to change shape. If you are in Wolf form, you would need to growl or whine to signal your party that danger is coming. I can't find too much in the official rules so I was hoping for some advice. CR 2 is where Wild Shape forms start to really improve in damage output, which lines up with martial characters like Fighters getting Extra Attack. Traits Keen Hearing and Smell: The wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. All of the Elementals in the Monster Manual are CR 5, making them the highest-CR options available to Druid until level 18. Actions. You’ll want to use hit-and-run tactics to get the most value out of the Saber-Toothed Tiger’s Pounce ability. Stegosaurus is the best new option, but its raw damage output probably can't compete with the Giant Scorpion's ability to hold foes in place and wear them down. It's not clear. [5e] The bard wants to ride the druid's dire wolf wild shape into battle. There's nothing wrong with a class being strong in the beginning, at level 5 alone they will no longer be out-damaging a fighter nor out tanking a barbarian, and they also won't have spells as powerful as a wizard. List of Beasts Ape Axe Beak Baboon Badger Bat Black bear Blood Hawk Boar Brown Bear Camel Cat Cave BearConstrictor Snake Crab Crocodile Deer Dire Wolf Draft Horse Eagle If the Druid is knocked unconscious, drops to 0 hit points, or dies, they return to their normal form. Additionally, you can now turn into creatures with a swim speed. Traits Keen Hearing and Smell: The wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. The Elemental Wild Shape ability lets the Druid use two charges of their Wild Shape to turn into an elemental. Fortunately, Land Druids get this CR at level 8 when flying forms open up, so the Giant Vulture is the perfect answer to these problems. As a little bit of a hot take, a Dragonborn Druid would still get use of their breath weapon while in beast form. If a 1 is rolled, the Druid loses the ability to control the Wild Shape and becomes a wild creature of a form decided by the DM, for 1d4 days. However, Barkskin sets your AC to a minimum of 16, which will exceed the AC of almost every form on the table, even with 20 Wisdom. It’s worth taking a moment to look at the differences between Wild Shape and spells like Polymorph and Shapechange. A dire wolf stands atop a stony perch, looking down and snarling at its enemies. If the Druid wants to revert back to their normal form earlier, they can do so as a bonus action. Anything your character knows, like proficiency in something, specific training granted by a feat like Mobile or Actor, or something inherent to your character's personality, culture, or anything else non-physical like the Lucky feat or the halfling Lucky trait should still apply in Wild Shape. With Pack Tactics and a swimming speed of 40 feet, it’s hard to go wrong with the Reef Shark at this level. In my opinion, anything which is part of your character's body like claws, natural armor, or damage resistances doesn't work while in Wild Shape. For example, if you are a Tiger with 1 hit point left and a Manticore hits you for 6 damage, the remaining 5 damage would then be taken by the Druid as they revert back to their normal form. Pack Tactics. I have not been able to sort out how to tie them together or to be able to sort out resists and immunities while in a specific shape. Jeremy Crawford, the Principal rules designer for D&D was asked about this exact situation on Twitter. I wanted to include more notes in this guide as they relate to the Circle of the Moon Druid, but this ended up being way longer than I expected. Hi All, Whats the best way you have found to load wild shape forms for your druid? A Halfling Druid still gets their Brave, Lucky, and Halfling Nimbleness abilities. Do apes and other primates get claws? Over at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted get animalistic and take a look at the best beasts in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons for a druid to Wild Shape into during tier one of game play. By level 4 you also have access to forms with swim speeds, so Land Druids can use great options like the Crocodile and Reef Shark. All of the following are class features of the druid. … This is your go-to Wild Shape form until level 6 for Circle of the Moon druids or level 8 for druids of other subclasses. Attunement in D&D 5e | Attuning To Magical Items, How and When To Use Social Skills in D&D 5e, Swashbuckler Rogue Guide for D&D 5e | Ahoy Matey! The first two attacks are with its claws. Size, Speed, Armor Class (AC), Hit Points (HP), Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX) and Constitution (CON) are indicated. Any class and racial benefits that you gain can be used while you are using your Wild Shape ability. Even without the grabbing, doing damage twice with something like the Brown Bear, or tripping with the Dire Wolf, can lead to problematic combos for your enemies. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. However, this option consumes both of your Wild Shapes uses, which can make it a risky choice if you're not planning to rest soon. Being invisible or obscured will not help your enemies. It is up to you whether your equipment falls to the ground when you Wild Shape or is just simply absorbed into the form. Circle of Dreams Druid Guide: Playing With Fey, Circle Of The Moon Druid Guide: Let's Get Wild (Shape) - Tabletop Joab, Tabletop Joab Blog Update #2 - Tabletop Joab. But, as in any case where there is a question, your Dungeon Master makes the final decision. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 … If you want to transform into something that is not explicitly in the Monster Manual, there is enough material there that you can stitch together something real quick. CR 0 has better scouting options because smaller creatures can more easily access small areas, and all Druids have access to higher CRs to get better combat forms. You may even wish to have your new form wearing the equipment if it is at all possible. Card back art by r-n-w.net. These rules are slightly different for the Moon Druid subclass since it puts a heavy focus on the Wild Shape ability. If you plan a single level dip, go for Monk. Everyone but Moon Druids will use this CR from levels 4 through 7, while Circle of the Moon Druids will skip this CR and go straight to CR 1. ... We’ve already talked a lot about Wild Shape in D&D 5e, so let’s look at the other two. However it’s only a DC 11, which makes it a bit of a risk. The Ape is a fantastic choice at this CR. But we will cover that in our Moon Druid Guide. You can now turn into beasts with a maximum CR of 1/2. Polearm master still works, but unless you Wild Shape into something with hands you're not getting much use out of it. We’ve already talked a lot about Wild Shape in D&D 5e, so let’s look at the other two. For example, you aren’t able to speak or interact with objects that your chosen form wouldn’t be able to.
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